Objective Reading

Reading Objectives. - ppt download

Objective reading is very different from subjective reading. To read objectively, you have to apply yourself as a student who has something to learn. This can be a greater challenge than subjective reading because it means you have to shut down certain preconceptions or biases that you have as a human being. Objective reading requires you to go into the material with an open mind, which may be a very difficult task depending on how far the book varies from your own subjective thinking. When you read objectively, you should be asking yourself one basic question from the get-go:

· W hat do I want to learn from this article or book?

· Then, as you continue reading, you should be able to formulate more questions for yourself: What does this mean?

· Do I really understand this?

· What am I supposed to be getting from this?

· What is this author trying to say?

· Am I paying attention to the author's prejudices and biases?

Are my own prejudices and biases coming into play in my reading?

·  If so, what are they?

· Do I agree or disagree with any of these points?

· Has the author proven his or her point?  

· What did I get out of this book?


With all the information that is available today, you must be on your guard as you read. Nothing is automatically true just because it is in print or on the Web. You need to develop the ability to read critically. That is, you need to ask questions like these about the text and about the writer.

· Where is this material from? Is this a valid source of information?

· Who is the writer? Is he or she qualified to write about this topic?

· Can I trust the information here?

· What is the writer's purpose in writing this?

· What is the writer's point of view about the topic?

· How does this information compare to what I already know?

· Based on what I already know and believe, do I agree?


To summarize at least these are about critical reading that you need to know:

· Critical reading is the ability to take a more in-depth look at literature with the intention of formulating your own opinions and conclusions.

· Curiosity and critical reading go hand in hand. It is very difficult to analyze a text if you're not even a little bit interested in anything about it.

· It is  important to understand the difference between subjective and objective reading and how and where to apply this skill.

· Active reading is the act of putting yourself into the book so that you can find more than what is on the surface. Passive reading is the act of reading for pleasure or entertainment.

· To know a book, you need to first have a grasp of its structure.  To understand understand that book, you need to see how the book forms around the structure to give it depth and complexity.

· Get to know the author both through her writing and from outside sources such as reviews, book signings, or lectures.

Terakhir diperbaharui: Monday, 6 March 2023, 15:33