Topic outline
- General
- 1. Konsep Dasar
1. Konsep Dasar
Pass Present Kelas 4 Sore Unggulan Page
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- 2. Konsep Sistem dan Informasi
2. Konsep Sistem dan Informasi
Dokumentasi Zoom Kelas 4 Sore Unggulan File
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Sore UnggulanPass Present Kelas 2 Sore C Page
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 2 sore CDokumentasi zoom Kelas 2 Sore C File
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- 3. Konsep Sistem dan Informasi
3. Konsep Sistem dan Informasi
3. a. Konsep Sistem Informasi Manajemen Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Pre Test is marked complete3. b. Konsep Dasar dan Klasifikasi Data Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 3. a. Konsep Sistem Informasi Manajemen is marked complete3.c. Konsep Dasar Informasi Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 3. b. Konsep Dasar dan Klasifikasi Data is marked complete3. d. Konsep Dasar Sistem Informasi Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 3.c. Konsep Dasar Informasi is marked completePass Present Kelas 2 Sore C Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 3. d. Konsep Dasar Sistem Informasi is marked complete
- Topik 4: Pengambilan Keputusan Berbasis Sistem Informasi
Topik 4: Pengambilan Keputusan Berbasis Sistem Informasi
4.1. Pendahuluan Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Pre Test is marked complete4.2. Tipe Kegiatan Manajemen Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 4.1. Pendahuluan is marked complete4.3. Tipe Keputusan Manajemen Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 4.2. Tipe Kegiatan Manajemen is marked complete4.4. Tipe Informasi Manajemen Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 4.3. Tipe Keputusan Manajemen is marked completePost Test Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 4.4. Tipe Informasi Manajemen is marked completePass Present Topik 4 Kelas 2 Sore C Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 4.4. Tipe Informasi Manajemen is marked complete
- Topik 5: Pengambilan Keputusan Berbasis Sistem Informasi lanjutan
Topik 5: Pengambilan Keputusan Berbasis Sistem Informasi lanjutan
5.1. Pendahuluan Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Pre Tes is marked complete5.2. Informasi dan Peranan Manajemen Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 5.1. Pendahuluan is marked complete5.3. Tahapan Pengambilan Keputusan Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 5.2. Informasi dan Peranan Manajemen is marked complete5.4. Mekanisme Pengambilan Keputusan Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 5.3. Tahapan Pengambilan Keputusan is marked complete5.5. Kesimpulan Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 5.4. Mekanisme Pengambilan Keputusan is marked completePost Tes Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 5.5. Kesimpulan is marked completePass Present Kelas 2 Sore C Page
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- Topik 6: Teknologi Sistem Informasi
Topik 6: Teknologi Sistem Informasi
6.1. Pendahuluan Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity Pre Test is marked complete6.2. Sistem Komputer Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 6.1. Pendahuluan is marked complete6.3. Perangkat Keras (Hardware) Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 6.2. Sistem Komputer is marked complete6.4. Perangkat Lunak (Software) Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 6.3. Perangkat Keras (Hardware) is marked complete6.5. Brainware Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 6.4. Perangkat Lunak (Software) is marked completePass Present Kelas 2 Sore C Page
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- Topik 7: Teknologi Sistem Informasi
Topik 7: Teknologi Sistem Informasi
Pass Present Kelas 4 Sore Unggulan Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 7.3. TI dan Epik Transformasi Ekonomi is marked complete
- 8. UTS
8. UTS
Soal UTS Kelas 2 Sore C Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 2 sore CSebelum Pengerjaan Soal UTS, Silahkan Perhatikan beberapa Point Penting Berikut :
1. Jumlah Soal terdiri dari 30 Soal
2. Soal Berbentuk Pilihan Berganda dan Benar/Salah
3. Waktu Pengerjaan 60 Menit (Sudah Masuk waktu Untuk Present)
4. Tidak Ada Perpanjangan waktu Pengerjaan
5. Kerjakan dengan Tepat, sesuai kemampuan
Selamat mengerjakan!
UTS Kelas 4 Pagi G Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi GUTS Kelas 4 Pagi H Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi HUTS Kelas 4 Pagi C Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi CUTS Kelas 4 Pagi D Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi DUTS Kelas 4 Pagi I Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi IUTS Kelas 4 Pagi Unggulan Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi UnggulanUTS Kelas 4 Pagi A Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi AUTS Kelas 4 Pagi B Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi BUTS Kelas 4 Pagi E Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi EUTS Kelas 4 Pagi F Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi F- DOSEN PENGAMPU: IBU LENTA FRISKA PURBA, S.Kom.,M.M
- Topik 9: Teknologi Sistem Telekomunikasi
- Topik 10: Aplikasi SIM pada Organisasi Perusahaan
Topik 10: Aplikasi SIM pada Organisasi Perusahaan
Pass Present 4 Sore Unggulan Page
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- TOPIK 11 : Permasalahan Sosial Dan Etika Dalam Penggunaan Sistem Informasi
- Topik 12 : Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Pendukung dalam Sistem Informasi Manajemen
Topik 12 : Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Pendukung dalam Sistem Informasi Manajemen
- Restricted Not available unless: The activity 12.1 Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Pendukung dalam Sistem Informasi Manajemen is marked complete
12.1 Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Pendukung dalam Sistem Informasi Manajemen Assignment
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 12.2. Hakikat Sistem Informasi Pendukung Manajemen is marked complete12.2. Hakikat Sistem Informasi Pendukung Manajemen Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 12.3. Pendukung Manajemen is marked complete12.3. Pendukung Manajemen Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 12.4. Sistem Informasi Manajemen Basis Data is marked complete12.4. Sistem Informasi Manajemen Basis Data Page
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 12.5. Inteligensi Buatan is marked complete
- Topik 13 : Database dan Sistem Manajemen Basis Database
Topik 13 : Database dan Sistem Manajemen Basis Database
Sistem basis data merupakan salah satu elemen penyusun yang sangat penting dalam menunjang keberhasilan sistem informasi manajemen. Semakin lengkap, akurat, dan mudah dalam menampilkan kembali data yang termuat dalam sistem basis data, akan semakin meningkatkan kualitas sistem informasi manajemen tersebut
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 13.1. A. Memahami Hakikat Database is marked complete13.1. A. Memahami Hakikat Database Assignment
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 13.2. B. Sistem Manajemen Basis Data is marked complete13.2. B. Sistem Manajemen Basis Data Assignment
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 13.3. C. Pengembangan Sistem Basis Data is marked complete13.3. C. Pengembangan Sistem Basis Data Assignment
Restricted Not available unless: The activity 13.4. D. Pengelolaan Sistem Basis Data dalam Sistem Informasi Manajemen is marked complete
- 16. UAS
16. UAS
Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) Kelas 2 Sore C Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 2 sore CUAS Kelas 4 Pagi G Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi GUAS Kelas 4 Pagi H Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi HUAS Kelas 4 Pagi C Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi CUAS Kelas 4 Pagi D Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi DUAS Kelas 4 Pagi I Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi IUAS Kelas 4 Pagi Unggulan Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi UnggulanUAS Kelas 4 Pagi A Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi AUAS Kelas 4 Pagi B Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi BUAS Kelas 4 Pagi E Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi EUAS Kelas 4 Pagi F Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi FUAS SEMESTER II SORE F Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to SEMESTER II SORE FUAS SEMESTER II SORE E Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to SEMESTER II SORE EUAS SEMESTER II PAGI G Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to SEMESTER II PAGI GUAS SEMESTER II SORE G Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to SEMESTER II SORE GUAS SEMESTER II SORE D Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to SEMESTER II SORE D
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- You belong to SEMESTER II SORE D
- You belong to SEMESTER II SORE E
- You belong to SEMESTER II SORE F
- You belong to SEMESTER II SORE G
Ujian Susulan Kelas 4 Pagi E Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi EUjian Susulan Kelas 4 Pagi B Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi BUjian Susulan Kelas 4 Pagi C Quiz
Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 4 Pagi C