Topic outline

  • General

  • Topik 1: Pengantar MK Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran.

    •  1. 2. Pengertian Pembelajaran. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 1. 1. Pengertian Belajar. is marked complete
    •  1. 3. Pengertian Teori Belajar. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 1. 2. Pengertian Pembelajaran. is marked complete
    •  1. 4. Fungsi Teori Belajar. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 1. 3. Pengertian Teori Belajar. is marked complete
    •  1. 5. Teori Deskriptif dan Teori Preskriptif. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 1. 4. Fungsi Teori Belajar. is marked complete
  • Topik 2: Konsep, Ciri, Jenis, Hasil dan Prinsip Belajar.

    •  2. 1. Konsep Belajar. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 1. 5. Teori Deskriptif dan Teori Preskriptif. is marked complete
    •  2. 2. Ciri-Ciri Belajar. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 2. 1. Konsep Belajar. is marked complete
    •  2. 3. Jenis-Jenis Belajar. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 2. 2. Ciri-Ciri Belajar. is marked complete
    •  2. 4. Hasil Belajar. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 2. 3. Jenis-Jenis Belajar. is marked complete
    •  2. 5. Prinsip-Prinsip Belajar. Page
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    •  Bahan Presentasi Pengampu MK File
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    •  Tugas Assignment
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  • Topik 3: Konsep Teori Belajar

    •  3. 2. Teori Behaviorisme. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 3. 1. Teori Belajar is marked complete
    •  3. 2. a. Teori Behaviorisme 1: Koneksionisme/ Asosionis. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 3. 2. Teori Behaviorisme. is marked complete
    •  3. 2. b. Teori Behaviorisme 2: Pengkondisian Klasik. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 3. 2. a. Teori Behaviorisme 1: Koneksionisme/ Asosionis. is marked complete
    •  3. 2. c. Teori Behaviorisme 3: Pengkondisian Operant Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 3. 2. b. Teori Behaviorisme 2: Pengkondisian Klasik. is marked complete
    •  3. 2. d. Teori Behaviorisme 4: Pengembangan Kognitif Sosial. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 3. 2. c. Teori Behaviorisme 3: Pengkondisian Operant is marked complete
    •  3. 3. Teori Kognitivisme. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 3. 2. d. Teori Behaviorisme 4: Pengembangan Kognitif Sosial. is marked complete
    •  3. 3. a. Teori Kognitivisme 1: Pengembangan Kognitif. Page
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    •  3. 3. b. Teori Kognitivisme 2: Pembelajaran Konstruksionisme. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 3. 3. a. Teori Kognitivisme 1: Pengembangan Kognitif. is marked complete
    •  3. 3. c. Teori Kognitivisme 3: Pembelajaran Penemuan. Page
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    •  3. 3. d. Teori Kognitivisme 4: Pembelajaran Penerimaan, Pembelajaran Bermakna dan Pemahaman Awal (Advanced Organizer) Page
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    •  Identifikasi Belajar dan Pembelajaran File
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  • Topik 4: Konsep Teori Deskriptif dan Preskriptif

    •  4. 2. Perbedaan Teori Belajar Deskriptif dan Teori Belajar Preskriptif Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 4. 1. Pengertian Teori Deskriptif dan Teori Preskriptif. is marked complete
    •  4. 3. Perbedaan Peranan Ilmu Deskriptif dan Preskriptif Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 4. 2. Perbedaan Teori Belajar Deskriptif dan Teori Belajar Preskriptif is marked complete
    •  4. 4. Tahapan Pengembangan Teori Pembelajaran Page
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    •  4. 5. Proposisi Teori Deskriptif dan Teori Preskriptif Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 4. 4. Tahapan Pengembangan Teori Pembelajaran is marked complete
    •  4. 6. Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran Terkait Teori Belajar Deskriptif dan Prespektif Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 4. 5. Proposisi Teori Deskriptif dan Teori Preskriptif is marked complete
  • Topik 5: Teori Belajar Behavioristik.

    •  5. 2. Teori Belajar Menurut Edward Lee Thorndike (1874-1949). Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 5. 1. Pengertian Belajar Menurut Teori Behavioristik. is marked complete
    •  5. 3. Teori Belajar Menurut John Broades Watson (1878-1958). Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 5. 2. Teori Belajar Menurut Edward Lee Thorndike (1874-1949). is marked complete
    •  5. 4. Teori Belajar Menurut Clark Leaonard Hull (1884-1952). Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 5. 3. Teori Belajar Menurut John Broades Watson (1878-1958). is marked complete
    •  5. 5. Teori Belajar Menurut Edwin Ray Guthrie (1886-1959). Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 5. 4. Teori Belajar Menurut Clark Leaonard Hull (1884-1952). is marked complete
    •  5. 6. Teori Belajar Menurut Burrhusm Frederic Skinner (1904-1990). Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 5. 5. Teori Belajar Menurut Edwin Ray Guthrie (1886-1959). is marked complete
    •  5. 7. Kritik Terhadap Teori Belajar Behavioristik. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 5. 6. Teori Belajar Menurut Burrhusm Frederic Skinner (1904-1990). is marked complete
    •  5. 8. Aplikasi Teori Behavioristik dalam Kegiatan Pembelajaran. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 5. 7. Kritik Terhadap Teori Belajar Behavioristik. is marked complete
  • Topik 6: Teori Belajar Kognitif

    •  6. 2. Teori Perkembangan Jean Piaget (1896-1980). Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 6. 1. Pengertian Belajar Menurut Teori Kognitif. is marked complete
    •  6. 3. Teori Belajar Menurut Jerome Bruner (1915-2016). Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 6. 2. Teori Perkembangan Jean Piaget (1896-1980). is marked complete
    •  6. 4. Hasil Belajar menurut Gagne. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 6. 3. Teori Belajar Menurut Jerome Bruner (1915-2016). is marked complete
    •  6. 5. Aplikasi Teori Kognitif dalam Kegiatan Pembelajaran. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 6. 4. Hasil Belajar menurut Gagne. is marked complete
  • Topik 7: Teori Belajar Konstruksivisme.

    •  7. 2. Konstruksi Pengetahuan. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 7. 1. Konsep Teori Belajar Konstruksivisme. is marked complete
    •  7. 4. Proses Belajar Menurut Teori Konstruktivisme. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 7. 3. Konstruksi Pengetahuan Menurut Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934). is marked complete
    •  7. 3. Konstruksi Pengetahuan Menurut Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934). Page
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    •  7. 5. Perbandingan Pembelajaran Tradisional (Behaviorisme) dan Pembelajaran konstruktivisme. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 7. 4. Proses Belajar Menurut Teori Konstruktivisme. is marked complete

    •  UTS SEMESTER 1 PAGI A (Perida Roma Asi Siahaan, S.Pd., M.Pd.) Quiz
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  • Topik 9: Teori Belajar Penemuan Jerume Brunner (Discovery Learning).

    •  9. 2. Tujuan Belajar Penemuan (Discovery Learning). Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 9. 1. Pengertian Belajar Penemuan (Discovery Learning). is marked complete
    •  9. 3. Karakteristik Discovery Learning. Page
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    •  9. 4. Langkah-Langkah Discovery Learning. Page
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    •  9. 5. Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Discovery Learning. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 9. 4. Langkah-Langkah Discovery Learning. is marked complete
    •  9. 6. Kesimpulan. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 9. 5. Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Discovery Learning. is marked complete
  • Topik 10: Teori Belajar Bermakna David Paul Ausubel.

    •  10. 2. Konsep Belajar Bermakna. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 10. 1. Pengantar Teori Belajar Bermakna. is marked complete
    •  10. 3. Karakteristik Belajar Bermakna. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 10. 2. Konsep Belajar Bermakna. is marked complete
    •  10. 4. Langkah-Langkah Belajar Bermakna. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 10. 3. Karakteristik Belajar Bermakna. is marked complete
    •  10. 5. Penerapan Teori Belajar Bermakna. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 10. 4. Langkah-Langkah Belajar Bermakna. is marked complete
    •  10. 6. Diferensiasi Progresif dan Rekonsiliasi Integratif. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 10. 5. Penerapan Teori Belajar Bermakna. is marked complete
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 1 Pagi A
  • Topik 11: Teori Belajar Humanistik.

    •  11. 2. Pandangan David A. Kolb terhadap Belajar. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 11. 1. Pengertian Belajar Menurut Teori Humanistik. is marked complete
    •  11. 3. Pandangan Peter Honey dan Alan Mumford terhadap Belajar. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 11. 2. Pandangan David A. Kolb terhadap Belajar. is marked complete
    •  11. 4. Pandangan Jurgen Habermas terhadap belajar. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 11. 3. Pandangan Peter Honey dan Alan Mumford terhadap Belajar. is marked complete
    •  11. 5. Pandangan Benjamin Samuel Bloom (1913-1999) dan David Krathwohl (1921-2016) terhadap Belajar. Page
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    •  11. 6. Aplikasi Teori Belajar Humanistik. Page
      Restricted Not available unless: The activity 11. 5. Pandangan Benjamin Samuel Bloom (1913-1999) dan David Krathwohl (1921-2016) terhadap Belajar. is marked complete
  • Topik 12: Teori Pembelajaran Kooperatif.